Every closing has its unique story...

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Every closing has its unique story...

I have a big soft spot in my heart for single moms! I remember buying my first house as a new single mom and all the scares that come with it: is it the right house, right neighborhood, will he have friends nearby, am i making the right decisions, am I crazy? I suspect this buyer may have similar thoughts, though I feel she’s way more put together than I was at the time 😜

It really does take a village to make life work sometimes and this one definitely had a good one! My sweet client was referred to me by her ex because he wanted to make sure she and their son would be well taken care of. I really love that! Many divorces don’t always end amicably and I feel their son is truly blessed to have parents who truly care for him and respect each other as his parents.

I knew finding the ‘right’ condo for these two would be difficult as this competitive market was really revving up. I recruited one of our agents, Austin Evans, to double as my buyers' agent so that between the two of us, we wouldn’t miss an opportunity. This absolutely worked like a charm! Cute updated condo, big rooms for both mom & son, area park to walk and play, and the pool just a few steps away.

I can’t wait to see what this amazing mom does with this adorable condo!